
Software Batik Fractal

How to make batik can now be learned more easily with the method of fractal batik.

Namely, make batik, with the help of a special software in the development of the motive-traditional Indonesian batik.

This unique software called JBatik. The letter 'A' taken from there the word 'Java', because the software was developed over the Java platform.

The group is the origin of Bandung, pixel People Project.

JBatik recently won a new Unesco in 2008 Award of Excellence as the 'Stamp of Approval' to ensure that their products have the highest quality at international level and the large potential to enter world markets.

Previously, the software earlier this achievement in the country with a whip award
Indonesia in the arena of ICT Awards 2008 in ketagori E-Tourism and E-CultureNancy Margried,

one pixel People Project members say, a number of obstacles they must travel before completing this software.

The main difficulty is how to connect mathematics formula with the formula-art design in a software package. "Hence to make this software must understand the art,
science and technology, "said the detikINET,
in the discussion via mobile phone.

Bill, go like this software?
No need to worry, because this software can be downloaded for free at their site, which is located in www.pxlpplproject.com. "What size about 1 Mb, but if the same source code is about 10 Mb," Nancy pungkas.


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